Engaging STEM Activities for Kids and Students

Make your child curious and keen on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). You’ll find lots of exciting activities for hands-on learning. Parents, teachers, and educators have a rich source of fun experiments, coding tasks, and projects to interest kids.

But are these STEM activities really that important for young learners? What makes them crucial for kids’ development and future achievements? This article will show you why they matter and how they can make learning fun.

stem activities for kids and students

Key Takeaways

  • STEM activities spark curiosity and inspire learning in kids and students.
  • Hands-on experiments, coding challenges, and engineering projects develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Engaging STEM activities prepare children for future careers in science, technology, engineering, and math-related fields.
  • STEM learning can be fun and interactive, with a wide range of age-appropriate projects for preschoolers to elementary students.
  • Discover STEM activity toys and resources to bring the excitement of science, technology, engineering, and math into your home or classroom.

What are STEM Activities?

STEM activities focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. They are hands-on learning experiences. Students get to explore science, use technology, work on engineering challenges, and apply math.

Explanation of STEM

STEM brings together science, technology, engineering, and math. Engaging in STEM activities helps students see how these areas link and shape our world. These activities involve things like real-world experiments and coding. They teach critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, which are vital skills today.

Importance of Introducing STEM Concepts Early

Starting kids on STEM education early is key for their growth. Early exposure to STEM concepts builds a solid learning base. It makes them more likely to choose STEM careers later. It also boosts their curiosity and problem-solving skills for modern jobs.

Using STEM toys and kits is a fun way to introduce STEM learning at home or school. These tools can be found at https://crestessentials.com/stem-learning/.

“The earlier we can get children excited about STEM, the more likely they are to pursue those fields later on, ultimately benefiting both the individual and society as a whole.”

Simple STEM Activities for Preschoolers

Preschoolers love to explore the world around them. Simple STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities are perfect for them. These projects introduce science and engineering in fun ways that fascinate young minds.

Cloud in a Jar (Science)

The “Cloud in a Jar” experiment is a hit with young kids. With just water and hairspray, they get to see a cloud form. This project teaches them about water vapor and the basics of how clouds are made.

Oil Spill (Engineering/Science)

The “Oil Spill” experiment is another great choice. It shows kids the effects of pollution and the hard work of cleaning it up. They get to try and clean an oil spill, learning about environmental engineering and caring for nature.

“Cloud in a Jar” and “Oil Spill” are fun STEM activities. They are not just science experiments and engineering projects. They help kids explore and learn, fostering a lifelong passion for discovery.

STEM Activities for Early Elementary Students

Engaging children in STEM activities is key as they move through early elementary years. These activities not only teach important concepts but also spark interest in exploring and solving problems. Here, we’ll introduce two fun STEM activities for these young minds.

Sticky Note Number Match

The “Sticky Note Number Match” is a cool way to make numbers fun. It uses colorful sticky notes to get kids excited about math. They learn about numbers by touching and seeing them.

  1. On each sticky note, write a number. Use different numbers depending on the kids’ math levels.
  2. Have the kids organize the notes from smallest to largest, helping them understand order.
  3. Ask them to make designs or groups with the notes. This will boost their math thinking and problem-solving.

Coding a LEGO® Maze

For tech-loving children, “Coding a LEGO® Maze” is great.

  • Have kids build their own LEGO® mazes with different challenges and paths.
  • Teach them basic coding like steps, loops, and if-then choices. This guides their LEGO® characters through the mazes.
  • Let the kids test and improve their coding by moving their LEGO® figures in the mazes they made.

STEM activities for early learners nurture their curiosity for science, tech, engineering, and math. They also develop a love for hands-on learning and problem-solving. In doing so, we help shape future innovators and solution finders.

For a big choice of STEM toys, check out Crest Essentials. They have many learning tools to encourage your child’s interest in science and technology.

STEM Projects for Older Elementary Students

As kids get older, their STEM projects can get more complex. Activities like “Crystal Sun Catchers” and “Building a Hand Crank Winch” bring science and engineering together. They help kids explore these areas, getting them ready for tougher STEM challenges.

Crystal Sun Catchers

The Crystal Sun Catchers project lets children make beautiful crystal shapes that sparkle in the light. This hands-on science experiment for kids teaches about crystal growth. Kids see how crystals form from dissolved materials in water. They learn about the science behind it by watching the patterns that form.

Building a Hand Crank Winch

The Hand Crank Winch task is for elementary students to make a simple but working machine. It’s an engineering activity for children that teaches mechanical principles like leverage. It helps kids think critically and be creative as they build their winches. They learn a lot about engineering this way.

These STEM projects for older elementary students are about going deeper into STEM. They help kids think critically and use what they know about STEM. By doing these activities, kids learn science and engineering while building skills for their future.

“Hands-on STEM projects for older elementary students help bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications, inspiring them to become the next generation of scientists, engineers, and problem-solvers.”

We, at Crest Essentials, offer many STEM activity toys for older elementary kids. Our toys, like crystal kits and building sets, encourage curiosity and learning. Explore our website at https://crestessentials.com/stem-learning/ to see all the great STEM projects for your child or class.

STEM activities for kids and students

STEM activities for kids and students offer a door to hands-on learning. These activities help children deeply understand the world through projects like building a balance scale and creating magnetic slime. With a mix of science and engineering, young minds find engaging fun that develops their potential.

Build a Balance Scale

“Build a Balance Scale” is a top stem activity for kids. It teaches about weight and measurement. Children make their scales with easy-to-find materials. This makes learning about balance and how weight affects it hands-on. They get to experiment, observe, and make conclusions. This sparks a love for scientific thinking.

Magnetic Slime

“Magnetic Slime” is a fun way to explore magnetism. Kids make a slime that reacts to magnets. This hands-on activity shows how magnets work. It teaches about attraction, repulsion, and invisible forces in a captivating way.

The “Build a Balance Scale” and “Magnetic Slime” projects are great for getting kids excited about STEM. They fuel curiosity and a love for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. You can find a lot of these activities at https://crestessentials.com/stem-learning/. There, you’ll find plenty of engaging STEM toys and projects.

Creative STEM Challenges

Engaging children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities is more than just teaching the main ideas. At Crest Essentials, we mix in creativity and innovation to make learning fun. One such fun challenge is the “Jellybean Building.” It lets kids get into engineering activities for kids by building cool things with their hands.

The “Jellybean Building” task asks students to make buildings using jellybeans and toothpicks. This creative stem challenges task builds not just their engineering knowledge but also helps with problem-solving and understanding space. It gets kids to make their own designs. Doing so grows their interest in how STEM subjects are really put to use.

These hands-on learning activities push children to design and think outside the box. They get to work hard to make their visions real. Along the way, they face and solve lots of problems. This helps them learn to think for themselves and not be afraid of making mistakes.

At Crest Essentials, we think STEM activities should be about more than just school stuff. By adding creativity, we can show kids how cool and useful these subjects are in real life. The “Jellybean Building” task is just one way we boost kids’ love for STEM. Check out our many STEM toys and let your child start an awesome, hands-on learning journey with us.

creative stem challenges

Math-Focused STEM Activities

STEM covers many subjects, but math is key for science, tech, and engineering learning. By adding math stem activities to our plans, we teach math basics. These projects boost kids’ math skills, confidence, and interest.

Pipe Cleaner Counting

One fun math stem activity is “Pipe Cleaner Counting.” It uses colorful pipe cleaners to teach kids about number size and sequence easily. Children understand the size of different numbers better when they can touch and see them.

  1. Provide a variety of pipe cleaners in different colors and lengths.
  2. Encourage children to sort the pipe cleaners by length, creating a visual representation of number size.
  3. Challenge them to arrange the pipe cleaners in numerical order, reinforcing their understanding of sequence.
  4. Ask questions that prompt them to compare the relative size of different pipe cleaner groups, such as “Which pile has more?” or “Which pile has fewer?”

Using hands-on math projects like Pipe Cleaner Counting boosts kids’ curiosity and problem-solving skills. It builds a strong math foundation. Also, these math stem activities make students enjoy math more.

Check out lots of math stem activities at Crest Essentials’ STEM Learning collection. You’ll find interesting ways to teach math in your STEM lessons. Let’s inspire the future problem-solvers and deep thinkers together.

Technology and Digital Literacy

Exploring STEM is not complete without looking into technology and digital skills. In our digital world, it’s vital to teach kids how to use and create with technology. The Stop-Motion Animation Video project is a perfect mix of tech, creativity, and thinking.

Stop-motion animation lets students make their ideas move on the screen. They can use things like LEGO® or clay to create short films. This stem activities technology project teaches them about video making and computer programming. Plus, they learn to solve problems and work with others.

This digital literacy for kids project is more than just tech skills. It’s a way for kids to express their ideas in a fun and creative way. Making stop-motion animations can really inspire them to keep exploring tech and art together.

Making projects like the Stop-Motion Animation Video helps kids connect STEM to digital skills. This way, they are well-prepared for the digital future. These stem activities and technology create a path for our students to succeed in a digital age.

stop-motion animation video

Finding Age-Appropriate STEM Activities

Choosing the right STEM activities for kids is key. It’s important that projects match their age and what they’re learning. Age-appropriate stem activities, stem activities by grade level, and stem activities for different ages help. They keep the learning fun and right on target for each child’s stage.

We all know that what a preschooler likes is not what an older kid finds fun. It’s vital to pick STEM activities that fit kids’ stages. This way, they stay interested and learn at their own pace.

  • For young kids, like preschoolers and those in early grades, hands-on and simple fun works best. Think about activities that let them explore and discover. This could be making a “cloud in a jar” or a model for cleaning up an oil spill. These help kids see science close up.
  • Elementary kids can handle more. Introducing activities that are somewhat harder is great. For example, they might like coding a maze or building a winch. These challenge their brains in a good way.
  • As kids get older, they can tackle even bigger STEM challenges. This includes projects like making sun catchers or a balance scale. Such tasks can spark their deep interest in science and keep them wanting to learn more.

When we pick age-appropriate stem activities, kids learn better. They stay curious and want to keep discovering new things. This is true whether it’s small kids exploring science or older ones solving engineering puzzles. There are lots of chances to help kids love STEM and keep learning.

Don’t forget, STEM toys are a super fun way to learn. They work well at home or in class. Offering a mix of activities at different levels helps kids grow to be smart problem-solvers who love to learn new things.

Resources for STEM Activity Toys

A variety of educational stem toys and kits help with hands-on STEM learning. They can be used at home or in school. These stem activity toys and stem learning tools make learning fun and interactive.

Sites like Crest Essentials have many stem activity toys and educational stem toys. They encourage kids to love STEM with things like robotics and coding games. These resources are key for kids to learn problem-solving and critical thinking.

STEM Activity ToyDescriptionAge Range
Coding Robot KitHands-on coding and programming activity for kids8-12 years
Crystal Growing KitScience experiment to grow colorful crystals6-10 years
Marble Maze Building SetEngineering challenge to design and build marble mazes9-14 years

Stem learning tools spark kids’ curiosity. They also help with critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. Hands-on stem activity toys let kids learn STEM in a fun way. This prepares them for success in school and their future jobs.

“STEM activity toys are a fantastic way to encourage children’s natural curiosity and help them develop important skills for the future.”

Buying top-notch educational stem toys can change the game for parents and educators. It helps build the next generation of STEM leaders. Look through the many options to find the right stem activity toys. It’ll help your child love science, technology, engineering, and math.


STEM activities are key to drawing kids and students in, sparking their curiosity, and cementing a love for learning. These range from basic science tests to tough engineering hurdles. They let kids dive into STEM areas in fun, hands-on ways. These early STEM concepts mix with age-appropriate activities, building crucial skills for our fast-changing, tech-filled world.

Crest Essentials provides a broad selection of STEM toys. These are perfect for home or classroom use. They aim to inspire and teach kids. To check out our variety of exciting STEM activities and resources, visit https://crestessentials.com/stem-learning/.

As the education and tech scenes keep shifting, STEM stays critical. These activities prepare our kids for what lies ahead. They empower them to become the future’s innovators and problem-solvers.


What are STEM activities?

STEM activities are hands-on projects in science, technology, engineering, and math. They help students learn by doing. For example, students may explore science principles, build tech skills, or try engineering solutions.

Why is it important to introduce STEM concepts early?

Early STEM learning fosters skills crucial for today’s tech-focused world. These include critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. It sets children up for success in their future careers.

What are some simple STEM activities for preschoolers?

For young kids, try the “Cloud in a Jar” experiment. It teaches them how clouds form. Another good one is the “Oil Spill” activity. It shows them about pollution and its cleanup.

What STEM activities can help early elementary students develop math and technology skills?

For younger elementary students, there’s the “Sticky Note Number Match.” It makes learning about numbers fun. Then, they can try “Coding a LEGO® Maze” to start learning about coding.

What are some STEM projects that can challenge older elementary students?

Older kids might enjoy making “Crystal Sun Catchers.” It’s a fun way to learn about crystals. They can also build a “Hand Crank Winch” to understand simple machines.

What other STEM activities can engage kids and students?

More activities include making a “Balance Scale” to learn about weight. Or, trying “Magnetic Slime” to see magnetism in action.

How can STEM activities incorporate creativity and innovation?

The “Jellybean Building” activity is great for this. It lets students be creative while learning about engineering and space.

What STEM activities can help students develop a strong foundation in mathematics?

“Pipe Cleaner Counting” is perfect for teaching kids math. It’s a fun, hands-on way for them to learn about numbers and their size.

What STEM activities can introduce students to technology and digital literacy?

A “Stop-Motion Animation Video” project is great for tech and creative skills. It teaches kids to make their own animated films using simple technology.

How can parents, teachers, and educators select age-appropriate STEM activities?

To pick the right activities, consider the child’s age and what they already know. This ensures the project is challenging but also fun and educational.

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